NOTE: Best played in browsers other than Firefox due to font-scaling issues.

A roguelike deckbuilder built for Pirate Jam #15.

Creatures of light have invaded your tower! Hold them off and defeat as many as you can by using and combining whatever items you manage to find along the way. Throw your Salt in a Crucible to burn enemies, or dunk your Sulfur in some Liquid Nitrogen to add a freeze effect!

Set off Traps if you get overwhelmed to provide cover for you as you retreat to a higher floor, tending your wounds and scrounging for new components to add to your Stash. But try not to retreat too often, or you'll find yourself cornered at the top of the tower with nowhere left to run...

How to Play


  • Mouse-over the names of components and icons on enemies to read their effects.
  • Drag-and-drop components to swap them with components in the same row.
  • Right-click to merge components into cards.
  • Drag-and-drop cards up to play them, or onto enemies to target them.


  • Reagents (purple) provide a card's main effect.
  • Deliveries (green w/ hollow spikes) provide a card's target and secondary effects.
  • Methods (blue w/ filled spikes) enhance their paired component with new effects for one turn.


  • Pair up Reagents with Deliveries to use cards on foes, or fuse either with Methods first to create crazy combos!
  • Components cost Elbow Grease to use. Ration out your EG wisely!
  • End Turn to refresh your components and EG while enemies take their turns.
  • Set off Traps to deal massive damage, heal half your HP, and draft new cards as you retreat further up your tower.

Check the in-game tutorial or the screenshots on the side here for more details on status effects and mechanics!


  • 55 unique components to fuse into unique cards! Keep it simple with some Salt in a Beaker, or stuff some Boiled Napalm into a Waterskin to set the whole room on fire!
  • 3 component types! Apply Reagent effects to a Delivery's targets, or use Methods to enhance components with new effects!
  • 10 unique Status conditions to inflict upon your enemies! Make em really feel each hit with Aftershock, or leave an enemy Shadowless to make them take hits for you!
  • 6 floors to retreat through as you're pursued by creatures of light! When the going gets tough, Set Off Traps to cover your retreat, heal your wounds, and draft new cards!
  • A progressive soundtrack that evolves as you defeat your enemies!
  • See enemies' intentions in advance! Will you risk taking blows as you stay to slay foes, or is it finally time to retreat before that big guy brings the heat?

Known Bugs:



GDD - Use the folder linked in description 3 MB


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Im overwhelmed with the amount of content, congrats for getting it so smooth in the short amount of time :D

The music is awesome and fits it very well. It gives it a funny but still tense feeling :D The art flows well with the rest too and is also so very clean.

The Tutorial is hard to get through, but got easier to understand when i read it while in the fight. Its nice that i was able to always access it.

At some point it made click in my brain and i got it on how it works :D. An interactive tutorial would be nice at some point, but having to find out how it works slowly was fun too. 

Well sorta, i kinda get how it works but its a bit much to remember everything. 

Maybe giving the players a smaller deck at the beginning to get familiar with would make it clearer.

I admit i didnt read the whole tutorial and only loosely read it. For the part with the traps, it would be nice if the player gets once a hint when low on hp that he could rest/heal with it and get new cards. Maybe even with an hint to read the tutorial about it, so even lazy tutorial skippers like me notice it :P

Also a bit hard to notice was the explainations on the cards. Only seeing the effects when hovering over the card name is way to hidden. It should also get shown when hovering over the card as a bigger surface.

I sadly only got to 66 remaining, but will try again at some time and then set off traps also! :D Its a very fun concept and i love the Game idea!

Yeah, I agree the UI needs work. We were so overwhelmed at trying to get all the mechanics we wanted into this game that we overlooked some of the more basic aspects, like UI and effects. 

A video tutorial should come soon, if not a full interactive implementation. The latter just takes a lot of time to build.

We'll have to look at the way we do cards again, because I fully agree that cards and their effects are too hidden.

Thanks for your review! I hope you enjoyed playing our game.

The game is fun and I like the idea of dynamic cards.

The UI doesn't help the game. In most card games you can read the effect of the card directly to make faster decisions, here it feels like a memory game mixed with a card game.

  • Good music!
  • Text could be just a litttlee easier to read
  • Interactive tutorials would be awesome, gets you quickly in the meat of things :p
    • On a side note, maybe a UI aspect to help guide which components can be dragged onto what
  • At first I couldn't merge/tooltip things, but I don't know what I did but I got things working. Took me a little bit to figure things out and learn what could be combined with what
  • I love the variety of card builds in the game, and combining things a lot. Cat Molotov FTW! This is my favorite part!
  • I like the humorous card names / art!
  • A survival card game is something unique that I liked!

Overall I did have fun, - great job, and congrats on finishing it!